Sending emails to OneNote


OneNote also makes it easy to search your saved emails. You can search all your notebooks at the same time.

Below are step-by-step instructions on sending and searching emails. If you prefer watching how it's done, these short LinkedIn Learning videos have instructions:


How to send emails to OneNote

On larger computer screens, there’s a “Send to OneNote” icon on the ribbon.



On smaller screens, like laptops, the icon might not be visible. In this case, select “Move,” then select “Send to OneNote.”



You can also right click on the email.



A pop-up box lets you to choose where you want to send the email.



You can send emails:

to a notebook

to a section of a notebook

to a specific page


Here’s what it looks like when an email is sent to a notebook. The title of the note is the subject line of the email.



How to search in OneNote

In the Search Bar, enter the keyword. You will see a list of all the places it appears.



If you want to search a specific location, right click on “All Notebooks (change)” and choose the location you want to search.





Using MS Planner for organization and collaboration

Today, 1pm - 2pm

Delivery: Virtual

Cost: Free

For some people, nothing will replace the sheer pleasure of crossing tasks off a paper To-Do list. If that’s not you, Teams Planner might be just the thing for your To-Do list. It’s flexible and easy to use. But even if you’re happy using a paper To-Do list, you’ll want to know how to use Planner to collaborate on projects.


  • How to create and organize a new Planner
  • How to use Planner to keep yourself organized
  • How to use Planner to collaborate on projects


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