Office 0365 pasword spraying

 Simple technique about how to run password spraying.

 we need to ask the customer what is the company password policy?

It's very important to know that before start doing Penetration Testing.

In kali linux we need to create a users, passwords lists

sudo nano uers.txt

sudo nano pass.txt

sudo nano targets.txt

We need to specify the live and open ports in the target system

ipcalc to idenfy  the subnet 


netdiscover -r 

nmap -n -sn

service postgresql start 


search http_login for right module etc .....



SOHO Network

 SOHO stand for:

Small Office/Home Office, a small network in a single location 

Connected hosts printer or computer and a single connection to the internet,

typically without a server and with a single Subnet. (  Router, Modem, DHCP and Firewall.)

How to test your SOHO?

You need to run Routersploit on your kali linux then Metasploitable for vulnerability  

Make sure you scan Subnet 254 or 255 and all ports 65353 plus

dont forget to run also ipcalc that can help you to check your subnet.

007b4click 7/12/2023


 Some detailed questions and answers based on the preferred qualifications for Database Administration job. 1. FTP Servers Q1: Can...